Mushroom Production Unit

Sl.No. Description of Unit Details
1 Year of Establishment 1997
2 Size of the unit 22.2 X 12 x 10 feet (266.4 Sqft)
3 Capacity of mushroom production (kg) 100 kg/year
4 No. of farmers trained 520
Mushroom Production cum Demo Unit

A mushroom is described as the “fruiting body of a fungus that typically appears above the ground and contains spores”. It is this fleshy bracket that is commonly eaten.

Precautions to be observed
  • Always maintain the optimum temperature of 23-25° C
  • Relative humidity of 80-85% inside the shed
  • Never pour water on the beds, which leads to complete rotting of young developing buds.
  • Spray water on the beds only after harvesting the mushroom.
  • Always harvest the mushroom in the morning and pack them immediately.
  • Bed Preparation Techniques
  • Wash hands thoroughly with antiseptic lotion.
  • Take the polythene cover and tie the bottom end with a thread and turn it inwards.
  • Shade dry steam sterilized straw to get a uniform moisture level in all areas.
  • Take out a well-grown bed spawn, squeeze thoroughly and divide into two halves.
  • Fill the straw to a height of 3” in the bottom of polythene bag, take a handful of spawn and sprinkle over the straw layer.
  • Fill the second layer of the straw to a height of 5” and spawn it as above.
  • Repeat this process to get five straw layers with spawns.
  • Gently press the bed and tie it tightly with a thread.
  • Put 6 ventilation holes randomly for ventilation as well as to remove excess moisture present inside the bed.
  • Arrange the beds inside the thatched shed, (Spawn running room) following Rack system or hanging rope system.
  • Maintain the temperature of 22-25° C and relative humidity of 85-90 % inside the shed.
  • Observe the beds daily for contamination, if any. The contaminated beds should be removed and destroyed.
  • Health and Nutritional Benefits
  • Mushrooms have very less calories and contain approximately 80 to 90 percent water. At the same time, they have low sodium, carbohydrate and fat content and high fiber content. This is the reason why mushrooms are considered good for those aiming for weight loss.

  • Mushrooms are an excellent source of potassium. Infact, it is said that there is more potassium in a mushroom than a banana. Since potassium helps lower blood pressure and diminished the risk of stroke, mushrooms are recommended to people suffering from hypertension.

  • Mushrooms are rich in copper, a mineral that has cardio-protective properties. A single serving of mushrooms is said to provide about 20 to 40 percent of the daily needs of copper.

  • It has been found that mushroom extract helps stop migraine headaches and is beneficial for people suffering from mental illnesses, like obsessive-compulsive disorder

  • Oyster mushrooms are said to be useful in strengthening of veins and relaxation of the tendons.

  • Economics of Oyster mushroom production Unit (200 sqft)

    Sl.No. Description Total Rs.
    A - Recurring cost
    1 Paddy straw 7000.00
    2 Mushroom spawn 15000.00
    3 Bed cover and preparation charge 2200.00
    4 Chemicals, fungicide, formalin and fumigants 5000.00
    5 Labour charge 7000.00
    6 Miscellaneous 5000.00
    Total Rs. Rs. 41200.00
    B - Non- Recurring Cost
    1 Mushroom shed 50000.00
    • Production of 720 Bags / Year (12 times)
    • 60 beds at one time in the interval of 25 days
    1 Total production of Mushroom/Year (720 X 0.700 Kg/Bed) 504 kg
    2 Total Income (504 Kg x Rs.200.00/Kg) 100800.00
    3 Gross Expenditure (Recurring cost + Non recurring cost 20%) (41200.00 + 10000.00) 51200.00
    Net Income/Year 51200.00
    Benefit cost Ratio 1.96 : 1